White Wholesale Trade en México

White Wholesale Trade en México

120 businesses operate in the activity of White Wholesale Trade in Mexico, reporting an estimated annual revenue of MXN $1,100 millions.

The highest proportion of the estimated total annual revenue generated nationwide in this activity is reported in Mexico, with MXN $230 millions.

According to a  market research conducted by MarketDataMexico, five businesses lead the activity of White Wholesale Trade in Mexico, allocating 37% of the total estimated annual revenue. COLAP SA de CV, DISTRIBUIDORA MAYORISTA GARGU SA de CV and BLANCOS SAMPEDRO DE ACAPULCO SA de CV are among the top players in the market. 

Performance by State: Mexico leads the business

Most of the revenue in this activity is generated in Mexico, with MXN $230 millions in estimated annual revenue. In the second place is Mexico City, with MXN $190 millions, and in third place, Jalisco, with MXN $110 millions.

What products are manufactured by these businesses?

Some of the products fabricated in these establishments are: NEW PILLOWS, HANDMADE WHITE, NEW WHITE EMBROIDERY y NEW WHITE OPENWORK, among others.

Annual expenses of these establishments

On average every year, companies dedicated to this activity generate total expenses close to $820 millions, of which MXN $31 millions correspond to expenses for rent and rental of movable and non movable property, MXN $4 millions are generally used for electricity consumption, and MXN $7 millions are spent on the purchase of fuels and lubricants.

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